Premium Membership

Inquiry Research Assistant

Join The Inquiry!


With this fee, you'll support the project and give 'The Inquiry' (aka me) the funding that will help me keep this going! My first goal is to cover the cost of hosting the domain. Once we hit that, we can be more ambitious!
  • My sincere gratitude. Thank you, and please know how much it means to me

  • 4 parts of the story a month, minimum!

  • Occasional essays if that turns out to be y'alls thing

Inquiry Research Assistant

Join The Inquiry, for a year!


With this fee, you'll support the project and give 'The Inquiry' (aka me) the funding that will help me keep this going! My first goal is to cover the cost of hosting the domain. Once we hit that, we can be more ambitious!
  • The same as monthly, but with $2 off a year!

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